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WOTLK Classic Best 25 Man Raid Comp - Wrath of the Lich King 25 Man Comps Guide

9/1/2022 9:42:26 AM

Today we're going to look at the WOTLK Classic best 25 man raid comp. One comp and in all fairness. It's not even going to be a complete composition because there is so much room to maneuver. When it comes to raid teams in 25 man, you can take whatever you want. Once you've covered the main buffs and debuffs that you need or what you want across the whole raid team, then it really takes whatever you want from your guild that does the most damage. If you want to stack warlocks, stack warlocks. If you want to stack hunters, stack hunters. It really comes down to what you've got the most of.


WOTLK Best Raid Comp 25 Man - Wrath of the Lich King Classic 25 Raid Composition Guide

With this hard hitting WoW Wrath of the Lich King 25 man comp for both AoE and single target, we can have plenty of divine guardians. We've got enough blessings obviously to cover the entire raid. We've got the improved totems, we've got druids, we've improved mark of the wild, we've got kings, we've got improved blessing of might from the retribution paladin which would be better than an improved battle shout. We've got the 10 attack power from enhancement shaman and blood dk. We'll always have the 5 crits from the druids. We've got the enhancement shaman for improved windfury token, but we have also got dks that will be bringing it anyway. We've got plenty of arcane mages bringing the 3% damage buff and we've got absolutely everything covered.


WOTLK Best Raid 25 Man Comps

Group 1

1. Protection Paladin

First of all starting with tanks, we're going to have a protection paladin and a blood dk. Now the protection paladin is going to bring divine guardian which is the 20% damage reduction across the raid, lots of aoe, lots of single target, and lots of buffs and debuffs. 

2. Blood DK

The blood dk is going to bring hysteria which hopefully is going on your feral druid as well as some other buffs. 

3. Feral Druid

For certain fights like patchwork, you might want a third tank. So we're going to put a feral dps in which we'll switch to bear on those very odd occasions where you'll need a third tank. 

4. Enhancement Shaman

Now if we want to tick off the physical buffs, we're going to put in an enhancement shaman. Because at the moment, you're seeing things like 20 melee haste being covered which if the blood dk is spec correctly, he will actually bring the melee haste anyway as well as hysteria. But the enhancement shaman is going to bring a better version of the shrimp and agility buff from the shrimp of earth totem with improvement in his talents.

5. Arms Warrior

Now we need to get that 4% physical damage where we've got the option between a combat rogue and an arms warrior. Now an arms warrior if we're talking for full clearing everything trash-wise, an arms warrior are of course on trash is going to be very good. But a combat rogue will probably do more damage on the bosses but we're going to put an arms warrior in. But honestly, whether you take arms or you take combat is up to you.


Group 2

1 & 2. Assassination Rogue

Because now we can take a couple of assassination rogues which are going to do huge single target damage. They will top DPS single target or should they will do very good damage. It is only on the trash and aoe buses or cleave buses where they're going to fall back a bit.

3 & 4. Survival Hunters

We're probably going to want a couple of survival hunters who again do incredible single targets and aoe.



Group 3

1. Demonology Warlock

Let's build our buff group, so our buff group is going to be things like demonology warlock which is going to bring demonic pact which gives 10% of the warlock spell power to everybody in the group.

2. Elemental Shaman

We're going to take an elemental shaman as well because the elemental shaman's going to provide 5% spell haste. The extra spell power that they bring from totem of wrath, so the 28 because 10% of it is actually going to go towards the overall spell power game for the raid from demonic pact from your demonology warlock.

3. Balance Druid

On top of this, we'll want a balance druid who's going to bring the 3% haste and the 3% spell hit.

4. Arcane Mage

We're going to put an arcane mage in which is going to give the 3% damage and the intellect. 

5. Shadow Priest

Now every raid is going to want a shadow priest, so we're going to put a shadow priest in this best 25 man raid composition for WOTLK. They also bring the 3% spell hit from misery with your boomi you're relying on him to put faerie fire up whereas with the shadow priest it's just going to go on automatically. Not only that your shadow priest is going to be bringing replenishment, but we will get to a point where there are multiple people in this raid group bringing replenishment which we absolutely need. Because replenishment only affects 10 people and there are 25 in the raid and whilst 25 people aren't going to need it more than 10 will.


Group 4

1. Arcane Mage

In these other 5 spots, you can take whatever you want. 

2, 3 & 4. Affliction warlock

Take a few affliction warlocks because they do incredible single target damage and it's very reliable of course, their aoe is good for when you're smashing through the trash. 

5. Retribution


Group 5

1. Holy Paladin

Healing wise we've got options, so we're definitely going to put a holy paladin in for the big tank hills and big splash healing from holy light. 

2. Discipline Priest

We're definitely going to take discipline to just eliminate lots and lots of incoming damage by pre-bubbling everybody in the raid. 

3. Restoration Druid

We're going to put a restoration druid in so we get revitalized as well. So what revitalize does is your rejuvenation and wild growth spells have a 15% chance to restore 8 energy, 4 rage, 1% mana, or 16 runic power per tick. But you're also going to get a similar ability from rapture from the priest which when their bubble's completely absorbed or dispelled the player is going to get mana, rage, energy, or runic power. This just gives all of your DPS a little bit of a boost by giving them some resources back. You're only going to want 4 healers in tier 7. Arguably you could get away with 3, but we're going to put 4 in to make it a well-rounded group. 

4. Restoration Shaman

If you want mana tide in your group, you'll fill that slot with a restoration shaman. Odds are your healer's going to be fine for mana and not need that, so you would be better off actually putting in another holy paladin which is going to bring yet another divine guardian. we'll leave that fourth spot as a flex healer spot, put what you want.

5. Frost


This is the WOTLK best raid comp 25 man that was created by Scottejaye. If you need to buy TBC gold, please visit



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