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LSOT AK Best Point To Park Alts (1340/1415/1370/1302) - Efficient Parking Spots For Alts & Main

8/19/2022 5:12:51 PM

In LSOT AK, you want to have alts, if you are looking to maximize your time and resources in endgame and get most out of everything to boot your main, you should have as many alts as possible. Then where to park alts and what is the best place to park alts in LSOT AK? In today’s guide, we are going to show you recommended efficient parking spots for alts in LSOT AK and explain the importance of having alts in the game. 

Alts Guide - LSOT AK Parking Spots For Alts, How To Use

Why Do You Need Alts In LSOT AK

- Una’s Task can be done by character, if you have more alts, you can earn a lot of roster share items, for example silvers. 

- You can fill up the weekly progress for your left by doing the weekly una task with alts. Also you can earn weekly reward with alls. Earning gold is limited to 6 characters but you can earn other loots like accessories, engraving books, cards and also reaching 1415 with alts.

- Get as much gold as possible because then you can purchase anything you want from the Auction house. The more Abyssal dungeons you farm, the more gold you get.  

- You can earn relic accessories in chaos dungeon too. 

- Simply put, if you have alts in LSOT AK, you can reap the benefits of using in-game content that is shared for all characters such as specific currencies, mounts etc.

Efficient Parking Spots For Alts - Where To Park Alts In LSOT AK 

Now let’s show you best LSOT AK parking spot section by section:

Park Alt at 1302-1370: 

Mostly in Korea, reach 1370, from 1355, you can access Oreha Preveza Hard and from the dungeons you can earn engraving books and card, course and also Oreha Hard Gold (1300). Reaching 1370 cost small amount of gold if you're running low on mat for honing. Park at 3017 accumulates some mats and gold to reach 1415 or higher.

1355 - Preha Preveza Hard (1300G)

1370 - Argos Phase 1 (700G)

1415 to 1445 Alts Parking Spot: 

From this section, you can obtain skilled tripod gear and the relic is an ability stone for the chaos dungeon. And you can earn weekly legion raid reward too. Most korean users park alts in 1370 long periods of time and when they accumulate enough gold and mats they try to reach 1415 or 1445. This is the most efficient section for casual and hardcore users. Because the legion raid itself is the beauty of the LSOT AK and the major reward is coming from the legion raid too. And also in this section, you can exchange with exchangeable tokens, these tokens can be obtained from Brelshaza Dejavu and Kakul Dejavu too. And it contains a lot of useful stuff for honing.


1415 - Chaos Dungeon (relic)

1415 - Argos Phase 3 (2500G)

1415 - Valtan Normal (2500G)

1430 - Vykas Normal (2500G)

1445 - Valtan Hard (4500G)

1475 - 1490 Alts Parking Spot

In this section, you can access three major legion raid. Valtan, Vykas Hard and the Last Kakul-Saydon. If you made it to reach 1490, you can access Brelshaza too. It is a section actually needs some speed controls, it is good because you can access three major legion raids, but the honing session is painful. You need a lot of goals and mats for honing and the character setting is also picky too. So in order to make this section alts, you need a lot of effort.

1460 - Vykas Hard (4500G)

1475 - Kakul-Saydon Normal (4500G)

1490 - Brelshaza Gate 1-2 (4500G)

1490 or Higher 

In this section, you can access Brelshaza Gate 4 by crafting and succession the gear to Brelshaza gear. With this gear you can reach higher than 1500. If you didn't play that much in LSOT AK, it'll take some amount of time, so try to be patient while rasing all to this section.

Typical Korean Route

1370 (Park Long Period of Time, Accumulate Mat, Gold) -> 1415 ~ 1445 (Access Valtan hard, Vykas Normal, Mostly Park here)

->1475 ~ 1490 (Gain access to 3 Legion Raid , Valtan,Vyaks Hard, Kakul-Saydon Normal) -> 1490 or Higher (Can go Brelshaza Gate 1~2)

-> If you have a plan to raise more make succession with Brelshaza Gear. (1500 higher) to access rest of the gate in Brelshaza

Here are the recommended best parking spots for main & alts in LSOT AK that we’ve gathered from reddit:

Recommended by TheAppleEeater

Main - 1340, Alts - 1325 or 1302

Main - 1385, Alts - 1340

Main - 1415, Alts - 1370

Main - 1460, Alts - 1415 (should wait for stronghold research)

Recommended by Jaywellll

Main 1460, alts are 1325, push alts to 1370 when honing buff comes out. The amount of money you can make with like 6+ alts from daily stones from chaos dungeons + gems is the best reward/effort/investment.

Spend gold on accessories and books to get an ideal or close to ideal 5x3 set up on your main so it's ready for brelshaza. Worth it to get ahead now that we have the ability to do so. Then slowly just level up your alts from that point on. People pushing to 1370 from 1340 spend way too much gold esp when mats are only going to tank as time goes on.

Recommended by Morlu

1340 is the best parking spot if you don’t plan on leveling those alts. If you ever want to level them, then 1370 to start getting bound GHL.

Recommended by aithosrds

Get to 1430 on main, then parked there while honed an alt to 1415, then took main to 1445 and will be going to 1460 while getting last couple T3 alts to 1370 where other ones are parked. After 1460 honing buff is in the game, start raising them to 1415 one by one.

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