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WotLK Classic Azeroth Changes & Updates: 10 Changes To Old Azeroth In Wrath of the Lich King

7/4/2022 3:27:34 PM

Today we're going to be talking about all of the changes to the old world of azeroth that will come with Wrath Classic. There are some interesting added content that many people have actually forgotten about lots of quality of life changes when it comes to dungeons and some very welcome changes to questing and experience points.

10 Changes To Old Azeroth In Wrath of the Lich King

1. Venomhide raptor

The first thing that most people have forgotten is there's actually a new horde mount farm available which is basically the equivalent of the winterspring frostsaber. The quest chain starts in un'goro crater and you have to essentially raise your own little wrap to chick. You have to do the daily quests every single day for 20 days to make your raptor grow up, but eventually you will get a venom hide wrapped amount. You will also need 20 runecloth, 20 rugged leather and 20 venom high teeth and 80 gold at the end of that quest line.

2. Attunement removal

A number of long achievement and boss summon quests have basically been removed and are just simply no longer needed. For example, the onyxia treatment has totally gone. It will be interesting to see if you actually keep old onyxia for river flinch king launch or remove it later in the patch or remove it at launch. But returnment has been removed. You also no longer need dowsers in molten core to unlock ragnaros when you kill the boss, it just gets doused automatically. Mallet is no longer required to summon gazarilla in this old farrak instance. So you can very easily pick up that carrot on a stick quest in thousand needles, run over to Zul’Farrak and get that quest done without having to mess around in the hinterlands. You also no longer need the scepter of celebras for the portal to inner maradon because it's just available to everyone, and the same goes for the seal of ascension for upper black rock spy. You don't have to go through that long quest chain, you can just go up to upper barrel expire straight away from lower black rock spire without any requirements. 

3. Exp changes

Exp and questing has changed a lot in Classic Wrath. The amount of experience required to get to max level has been reduced. Undocumented changes say it's 30 but it could be different. Quest experience has also been drastically increased it hasn't been increased by a fits all percentage because if you look at different quests from Classic WoW database and Wrath of the Lich King database, there's a lot of inconsistencies. For example, the red silk bandanas quest used to give 1250 xp now gives 1900 and then pamela's doll 2800 up to over 4000. So you get a lot more xp from your quests. The old world leveling is going to be much faster especially with heirlooms.

4. More transportation

More transportation options have also been added to azeroth, so it's much easier to get around now. The stormwind harbour was added in cluster graph which means you no longer have to take a boat from dark shore to manifold harbor and then run through the whole of wetlands and get killed by crocodiles. You can just get a boat straight from dark shore all the way to stormwind. There's also a zeppelin that would take you from thunderbluff to orgrimmar and back including the added zeppelins that will take you to northrend outside tristal glades and orgrimmar. 

5. Added convenience

Loads of post boxes have been added to the capital cities, the open world zones have much more graveyard spirit healers now and also some cheeky flight paths. Most zones get another spirit healer, but just look at how classic wildest is compared to classic wrath. Now that is a lot more spirit healers because originally there was just one for the entire zone and that was painful. There's always going to be a cheeky mailbox closer to the auction house in most cities. We also added some cheeky flight paths as well really to stop saying the word cheeky. So there's a new one in western plaguelands in the bulwark and in eastern plaguelands, there's one basically in the western part of the zone near the river. 

6. Dismount areas removed

In Classic WoW and in TBC, the irritating areas that dismount you like booty bay and black rock mountain. But these will no longer dismount you, you can run around boot your bay on your mount and in blackrock mountain and this also includes boats and zeppelins and similar areas. For those of you thinking you can easily farm insane gold by soloing classic wire raids on your death knight or something. 

7. Gold nerfs to classic bosses

The gold has been nerfed down to about 50 to 70% less. Probably still a decent gold farm but you won't be getting 400 gold per boss kill.

8. New load screens

There's some new snazzy loading screens been added to the azeroth zones featuring the leaders of every race from that particular zone.

9. Horde can do chicken quest 

Every single horde player is going to be jumping out of their seat for horde players can now finally do the chicken quest in westfall for the chicken pet. 

10. Summoning stone restrictions removed

Summoning stones have had their restrictions totally changed now just need to be level 15 and that's essentially it. Anyone of any level can now summon anyone, they just have to be level 15. 

Some Extra Changes To Old Azeroth In WotLK Classic

- We've got new man's landing, it used to be quite difficult to get to this area, it's in don monroe but actually on the coast of that zone. Now you can very easily get there from stormwind halibut, you can fish there now and there's also a vendor, so it's just a nice little chill place to basically level your fishing. 

- Obviously nax has been removed and the entrance has just been replaced by a huge play cauldron. The big purple dome where dalaran once was is now a crater, obviously because now dalaran is in the crystal song forest. King varian has replaced bolvar, this also means you cannot get a vionixy achievement questline.

- Many troll settlements have also have their mobs changed, so the troll mobs have basically been updated to look a bit more like trolls do in Wrath of the Lich King.

- There's been some added roof stalkers in orgrimmar so the alliance can't jump on the roofs and go and gank people in orgrimmar in the level 1 to 5 zones for all of races, mostly the mobs now are neutral mob so they can't chain pull. Just to make it easier for people when they're starting out.

- The wolves in north shore abby have been changed to diseased wolves for some reason. 

- Under city guardians have been replaced by core cron overseers which is basically just like a generic orc warrior-looking mob.

- The dreadlord varumathras has also been removed and replaced by another generic orc mob and sylvanas has obviously changed with her updated model.

- There are some quests that have been added like looting pillows and searing gorge.

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