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Best FIFA 22 532 Meta Custom Tactics & FIFA 22 532 Player Instructions

6/22/2022 3:06:25 PM

FIFA 22 5-3-2 custom tactics and instructions, this is a very aggressive attack, being the way the left-back and right back act as wingers basically.

Best FIFA 22 532  Meta Custom Tactics & FIFA 22 532 Player Instructions 

Of course, FIFA 22 5-3-2 meta has really evolved into the two wing areas, getting the ball into the middle and on the edge of this game FIFA 22 532 custom tactics, you can have more variations, there's not as much experimentation in weekend leagues now, but you can use this tactic to press the opposition into FIFA 22 532 positions with pressure every time you touch the ball or balance, you can use any of the three, it is advisable to start with balance.

When you are defending, especially with five back, when your left back goes forward they take a moment to come back, basically a three back three forward defence, when you get back to this system you don't want to be hit in the open so your defence is more secure.

Best FIFA 22 5-3-2 custom tactics 

Defensive tactics

Defensive Style: Balanced

Width: 35

Depth: 65

Offensive tactics

Build Up Play: Long Ball

Chance Creation: Balanced

Width: 50

Players In Box: 5

Corners and Free Kicks: 1 bar

FIFA 22 532 Player instructions

Striker: Normal Interception(Default), Overlap

Central Back: Join the attack, Stay Back While Attacking, Stay on the edge of box for cross

Central MID.: Balanced attack(Default), Cover Wing(Default), Balanced Attack(Default),Get forward

Striker: Balanced Width(Default), Stay Central

Full Back: Joint the attack, Stay Back While Attacking 

Now go over the FIFA 22 532 tactics itself, this is very important. At this stage of the game, you want to team the year players shape-shifters someone who's got five-star ideally and not the end the world, but you want someone's got high stamina and high pace that is the key when you're going forward, you're basically going to attack in a three-three four.

You're gonna have four attackers, now the left-back wraps are gonna be like your, the baton is gonna be as wide as possible, you're still going to break through the narrow areas, but these players are going to be free, and this is very good, if your opponent is playing very defensive, you have your left back right back to pass the ball, and you can do the crossing meta if you want to do that or you can pass the ball inside the box, if you want to go to the middle, you can still do that the left-back of the back will also split the defensive line the left-back and right backs further away.

This is automatically enjoying the attack, you don't have to worry too much about this, because, at this stage of the game, everyone's got team season players and overlap, what this is basically saying is to the game.

Now for the left center back and right center back, now what happens is that when you're attacking they become FIFA 22 532 wingers, and these become like FIFA 22 532 left center backs and FIFA 22 532 right-centre backs almost like left-backs and right backs, but it's key to do those two balls down the wing, and they go a bit more forward ahead, they spread out a little bit more and it doesn't put conservative, don't be any funky like that and put stay back you ideally want someone that's fast and quick as a center back, just play a full center backside four backs, to be honest here, and that is fine.

Now the center mid, this is gonna be your defensive play, this is the central play that's always going to be on stay back, so force him to stand the edge of the box for a cross put him on the conversation. For example, attacking should say going forward, he will stay outside the box, like lose the ball, he'll come back in the fence, he'll defend the middle. 

Then for the FIFA 22 532 left center middle right cinnamon, leave them on balance to get forward,  the key thing is to put them on getting into the box for a cross, if you want to, you can put a cover wing on these players, three players at the back, of course, they can cover for these positions and it does work pretty well, but is to always control the central areas, going down the wing, then just go ahead bring a player back or push walker out bit wide and contain him.

To control the middle of the pitch, and put all these cuffs out, get forward against a side box for the cross when these go four down the wing, you're gonna have a cross situation, you're gonna have two strikers, and then you're gonna have these two running into the middle, you're basically gonna have a player available all the time.

You've got your backseat for stability and your left-back, even if your opponent plays as narrow as possible, you're still going to be free on the wing, so you're always going to be able to get past with this tactic, the left side up mid and right-center mid unbalanced, if you can get high mediums to leave them unbalanced, for example here, you've got someone else low medium. 

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