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NBA 2k22 Tips And Tricks - Best Dribble Moves, Jumpshot, Playmaking & Shooting Badges, Dribble Tutorial!

6/7/2022 2:58:32 PM

Today going over everything in NBA 2K22 guard once again from the bare basics all the way up to the advanced tips and tricks on becoming a broken play shot, let's first start off by finding the perfect NBA 2K22 jump shot for you.

NBA 2k22 Tips And Tricks - Best Dribble Moves, Jumpshot, Playmaking & Shooting Badges, Dribble Tutorial!

1. NBA 2k22 Tips And Tricks - NBA 2k22 Best Jumpshots

Start out with the jumper, it's the best jump shot in the NBA 2K22, it also comes with a very high green window and it is the fastest jump shot in game 10.  

  • For the base, to go with a jump shot 3 

  • Upper release 1: Rudy Gay and 

  • Upper release 2: Damian Lillard.

  • For the blending, to go with a max speed: 5050 

The jump shot is very fast, making it easy to get quick shots off and the green window is big, due to the base moving on to the next jump shot, set shot 25 is actually a faster bass than bass three, the jump shot looks faster, but the q to release is much slower than it seems, this jumper will be for players that can't really get base three down due to his quickness, set shot 25 is an extremely good base, just went over the base, to be using is set shot 25 for the upper release one. Once again going with Rudy Gay for upper release 2, like before Damian Lillard for the blending release speed all the way up animation blending 50 and there you all have it set shot 25. 

Now for the final jump shot, the trey young bass looks a little bit crazy, but it's actually really good, so for the bass, of course, going with trey young upper release one, once again Rudy Gay and upper release two, keeping it the same Damian Lillard for the blending, max release speed 5050, and now if you do not like set shot 25 or base 3, this is the jumper for you to try young bass is literally both of them combined, then slow down just by a little now that you got your jump shot.

2. NBA 2k22 Tips And Tricks- NBA 2k22 Playmaking Badges

Let's move on to the newly updated badges for season seven. Not everyone has the extra badges from hitting 40, including extra badges, showing you the best NBA 2K22 badges for the bass play shot build, starting off with the most important badge quick.

Updated badge: 

  • Quick First Step (HOF)

  • Handles For Days  (HOF)

  • Quick Chain (Bronze)

  • Tight handles (gold)

  • Unpluckable (gold)

  • Bail out (Bronze)

  • Bullet passer (HOF)

  • Special Delivery (HOF)

NBA 2k22 Tips And Tricks - NBA 2k22 Dribble Moves (Chainment) 

When the ball handler can put together an endless series of moves that all flow together as one and by how it looks, it looks extremely hard, but it's not so first off, to go over the NBA 2K22 dribble moves, you will need in order to pull this off. 

As you all know, usually, go with the quick NBA 2K22 dribble style, but in the new patch quick NBA 2K22 dribble style is basically useless you can't peek no more. 

Dribbles Style: 

  • Quick 

  • C. Gray

  • K. Walker

  • B. Davis

  • T. Young 

  • J. Wall 

  • D. Lillard 

  • Basic

  • J. Wall 

  • J. Butler 

There are no tight handles, this is rendered useless, basically so now going with C Gray full time, so make sure y'all got C Gradual style one, if you're using c great NBA 2K22 dribble style, you got to go with the Kimball walker's signature size up, it's the fastest in the game, then for our combos, of course, to stick with B Davis. 

Then for the size of cascade packages, always want to go with Trey Young, of course, it's the best in the game, make sure you all use this, then for moving crossovers, John Wall moving behind the back is Damian Lillard's basic spin for that glitchy spin back over hesitation is John Wall, and then finally moving a step back now that you have those NBA 2K22 dribble moves equipped.

NBA 2k22 Tips And Tricks - NBA 2k22 Dribble Tutorial

So starting off with the most obvious one the momentum, the main move in the chainment, so all you want to do is hold your turbo button or rt. Then you want to flick both of your sticks to the opposite hand, so since the ball is on left. Flick both of the sticks to the right while holding RT and it's not directly to the right, it's more diagonally up to the right, so like this and then you just want to learn how to spam that all that takes is time really.

Self momentum

So now that you got the main move down, now you want to learn how to self momentum, self momentum is basically doing the momentum without holding rt, so all you want to do to learn that is the speed boost move, so y'all probably know how to do this already very easy, since the ball is in my left-hand flick diagonally opposite to the right, so boom like that.

Once all want to do is move the stick directly to the left, it will look something like this, show you one more time, once you get a rhythm going you do not have to let go of this stick at all, 


Now the last move is the trey young hop into self momentum which gets a little bit more complicated all right since the ball is in the left hand, all you want to do is hold rt flick opposite diagonally right, and it will do that, so once this move triggers like this, then you want to let go of your turbo button and then do the speed boost move which is just like that and then like we just learned the self-momentum, you just want to go back this way, it was going to look like this all together in slow motion as well, just like that then you can start flicking out of it and doing all the moves we just learned.

It's complicated to learn, but once you get it down, it's the easiest move in the game to do, so really you could start off with any move but in this demonstration, to start off with the momentum.

First off do momentum, a Trae young hop into a self momentum, so look momentum tray on self momentum and it just comes to you, once you learn all the moves, it will just come to you, and then you can just put everything together, and what is crucial is you have to learn when to let go of your turbo button, and when not to let go, but that's really how you learn chainman, it's really by your own self-pace, you have to learn the three moves, and then you just put them together how your brain determines it.  

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