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Diablo Immortal Best Classes - Diablo Immortal Season 1 Class Tier List

6/2/2022 3:04:03 PM

If you're brand new to Diablo Immortal and you've never played the game, then you're in the right place. In this Diablo Immortal Classes tier list, we're going to deep dive into the best classes that you can choose for Diablo Immortal season 1 that's right the launch of the game. This guide will equip you with all the knowledge that you need to pick your favorite class for Diablo Immortal launch and also give you detailed information on the strongest to weakest classes.


Diablo Immortal Best Classes - Diablo Immortal Season 1 Class Tier List

One of the first things you need to do is to choose the Diablo Immortal best class for PvP and PvE. This is an important and semi-permanent choice. Now down the road, you will be able to change your class with Diablo Immortal's class change system and retain the power that you gain with your character. But the developers have indicated that this system will only allow you to infrequently change your class. Diablo Immortal has 6 classes to choose from, they are the barbarian, the crusader, the monk, demon hunter, necromancer, and wizard. In this Diablo immortal class guide, we briefly the strength and weaknesses of each class.


Diablo Immortal PvP & PvE Class Tier List Season 1

Diablo Immortal takes a fairly balanced approach to classes, but we did see some classes that in-game play stronger than others. One final reminder is that this is based on information from the alpha and the beta. So this is subject to rapid change at launch. So let's unveil the best Diablo Immortal PvP and PvE Classes for launch season 1.

S Tier Diablo Immortal Classes

Demon Hunter

Deadly demon hunter is the highest single target damage in the game. It rewards a playstyle that relies on you constantly moving and judging the safe distance to remain from your foes. It also has the strongest primary attack in the game with a crossbow shot. In PVP playing tactically can allow you to sit in the back lines and deal enormous amounts of damage while your allies take the brunt of the punishment. Even though demon hunter is extremely dominant from a damage perspective. It's also one of the squishiest classes in the game. It also has some of the worst escapes making it hard to disentangle yourself from a melee brawl in PvP. It also doesn't really have strong support build for group play. Gives you fairly narrow choices for your builds in different game modes. Demon hunter is by far the strongest single-target damage class and by far the best PvE class in Diablo Immortal.



The classic and iconic barbarian has a high area of effect damage and a fast-moving melee playstyle. It is by far the most durable class in the game with skills like undying rage and it's a powerful PvP class. It also has several powerful buffs to offer in group play. But if you're fighting in the fray it's difficult to avoid taking damage. As barbarian, you will also be stuck with low single target damage and you're going to be reliant on long cooldown skills to smash your way through your foes. Barbarian's ability to survive and move with undying rage whirlwind and sprint makes it both a PvP and PvE powerhouse.



The glorious crusader offers you a similarly fast and blast play style to the barbarian. But it leans on its horse to be able to mount up and move quickly. You'll do a high area of effect damage at an incredible speed. Crusader is also perhaps the best group support class in the game and is a strong contender in PvP. But while crusader has some of the best AoE damage in the game, it is also by far the worst single target damage as well. It often relies on long cooldowns to deal damage and its primary attacks are some of the worst in the game making it doubly bad when your skills are on cooldown. Crusader's support skills and mobility make it dominant in group-based PvE and PvP as well.


A Tier Diablo Immortal Classes


The fast and disciplined monk has some of the best mobility in the game with its teleport to target mechanics. This results in sort of fast-paced melee combat that does the good area of effect damage and is also fantastic at grouping enemies up to be blasted down by your allies. It also has good party buffs and shields that it can offer allies. It's strong in PvP with some unique stuns that allow you to say relocate enemies on the battlefield. Fastplace gameplay can also be a negative though and playing monk can require you to do some combos and requires careful inputs to execute successfully. Like most melee classes monk has mediocre single target damage and can have trouble with bosses, especially in solo content. Monk is a strong contender in PvP, especially with its ability to relocate enemies and an impressive kit of stuns.



The commander of the undead necromancer is a pet class that does extremely well when fighting at range and smashing enemies with curses, bones, skeletons, and golems. It also has the best ultimate in the game, making its builds around primary attack and its ultimate fairly viable. In PvE, it has incredible buffs that you will want in your group, and to top it all off, it has an impressive kit of stuns that will leave your foes pretty salty in PvP. Still for a ranged class necromancer has certain abilities that are somewhat close range depending on your build. Meaning that you're going to take a little bit more risk. It can rely also on corpses which enable very powerful builds but are an extremely limited resource. While wraith form is an incredible form of mobility, the best build options for wraith form clash with your mobility choices somewhat forcing you down the road of an overall less mobile playstyle.

Necromancer might actually dominate the leaderboards early on in the game's PvE life cycle as pet-based gameplay is extremely strong early on in the power curve. But eventually, it levels off once other classes catch up.



The expert of the arcane arts the wizard is a ranged class with tons of area-of-effect abilities. It allows you to deal tons of damage by combining massive meteors orbs of frost crystals together with your other magical attacks. Teleport offers you instant mobility, allowing you to enter PvP or PvE battles and surprise your opponents. If you can land it, a black hole is devastating in PvP and can crowd control entire groups of enemies. Wizard also has huge laser beams in rays of frost fire and lightning that have the potential to deal the most damage in the game when enemies are tightly grouped together. but these massive magical attacks come with a cost. Wizard has long-skill cooldowns that can leave you with only your primary attacks. Its reliance on combos doesn't always pay off either. Importantly, it has lots of skill shots, making it a class with a higher skill cap than many others. In group play, it lacks some useful buffs that other classes offer.

Wizard is also extremely strong but it can be tough to play with a high skill cap. Many folks think that wizard might actually be the best Diablo Immortal class at challenge riffs on the high end with their extremely strong aoe and single target damage.

There are no bad classes, therefore, the B tier, C tier, and D tier on this Diablo Immortal classes list are completely empty. If you need to buy Diablo Immortal items, welcome to browse the most reliable DI items shop -

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