In this guide, we will have a close look at Flame Cores in New World!! Where to get Flame Cores, What Flame Cores are used for, why you need them, and everything else surrounding them!
What Are Flame Cores in New World
These are new resource that has been added to New World with season one, and of course, it makes sense considering the season is fire themed, you will first notice these as a reward on the season 1 reward track, but from that you will only get 45 in total.
Where To Farm Flame Cores in New World
Let's have a look at where we will be getting these.
-You will be able to farm flame cores in a few different ways first, you will get them while running the Imperium Forge many mobs in there will drop them as well as the chess and the Expedition will contain them, so if you enjoy running, this very often this could easily be your primary Farm source and you won't need to do anything else, however, if you're the type who doesn't like to run Expeditions often, don't worry, there are many other sources found in the world you can solo, they can be gathered from any of the chess Supply stockpiles, Alchemy chess, Elite chess, any of them located in any of the new vanguardian points of interest Attalus Foundry, Acadia keep and the Crystal Cavern most notably, these are all new places that have been added with season three.
-You can also Farm These flame cores from any of the new high-level vanguardians that have also been added with the season one Quest chain, these will be located within the new points of interest as well as in a few other camps scattered around the map, so choosing one of these each day and farming will be a great option for a solo player.
Flame Core Farm Locations in New World
-Acadia Keep
-The Crystal Cavern
- Attalus Foundry
What Are Flame Cores Used For in New World
No simply heading to the market for these, if you want to reap the rewards that they lead to, you're going to have to farm these on your own, the rewards are many they're one of the main materials in the crafting of human Ward trophies, you need 10 for the minor 50 for the basic and 150 for the major, so in truth a total of 210 flame cores per major trophy in total, because you need the other two trophies to make it, so if you had planned on making three of these human War trophies, you are going to need 630 flame cores in total, so that's not a small amount.
The next very important reason you're going to need them, and probably the main reason to start will be for the Heart Rune of Firestorm, these flame cores are required in order to upgrade This Heart room both to Epic and legendary, so for your first epic upgrade, you will need 25 flame cores per Rune, so if you're like me and like having a complete collection, you will need 75 at the stage to upgrade three runes, then upgrade them to Legendary, you will need 50 flame cores per room, so once again, for a complete collection 150 flame cores in total for the three runes, so that puts us at a total of 855 flame cores to complete everything on our list so far.
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