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Rocket League: The Fastest Ways To Rank Up In 2023

9/20/2022 11:14:37 AM

When was the last time you had an actually good teammate in ranked? These days it is harder than ever to rank up in Rocket League. Even if you're doing all the right things with all the information flowing out there and all the different pieces of advice, sometimes it can be impossible to know what you need to actually do to rank up at your rank. Thanks to SpookLuke who introduced the best Rocket League rank up tips 2023, regardless of rank, regardless of meta that you follow and actually stick to will help you rank up fast and easily.


Rocket League: The Fastest Ways To Rank Up In 2023

The three fastest ways to rank up in Rocket League regardless of your rank even if you're GC will help you probably rank up. Honestly, half of it is like stuff that you need to do to rank up and learn new stuff. Improve your speed and improve your recoveries. But the other half of ranking up that nobody talks about is just getting rid of the bad habits. We also go over three mistakes that we see a ton. If you just stop doing these things will once again make you rank up without even having to improve your mechanics.


Step 1 - Finding Teammates

The reason why step number one is finding teammates is that the fastest way to instantly rank up is to just stop solo queueing. When you find a teammate, you can expect to shoot up anywhere from 50 to 150 MMR literally by just not double committing and having all these communication errors. The problem is when you solo queue, you remove all the potential teamwork and potential passing you could be doing. You get into a lot of situations where it's not even like a mechanical issue or a game sense issue. It's just an issue of not knowing who should go for the ball. If you want the easiest way to rank up and you don't even want to change anything about your gameplay, just find a teammate at your rank. 

The best way to do it would be to join a server specifically related to improvement. Just joining a discord server and finding teammates, you can rank up one-two even three full ranks. If you're just absolutely opposed to joining discord servers and you don't wanna meet people that way. What you can also do is just queue up with people who you win with. Because generally, the people that you win with are going to be better. Hit the party up button and you can run up like one or two ranks just off of that alone as well.


Step 2 - Focus on the Basics

The truth is if you're below grand champ, the reason you're probably not ranking up is not that you're not scoring your air dribbles or your ceiling shots or your flip resets as much as that stuff is fun to learn and it is useful at the higher levels. At the low ranks, the reason you score or get scored on is usually going to come down to the basics. Things like shooting, shadow defense, dribbling, flicks, and bounce rebels. That 20% of just the fundamental mechanics is what's going to give you 80% of your results in Rocket League. When in reality, the reason you're not ranking up is probably that your kickoff sucks and you can't land your car after you've missed the air dribble. 

The way you need to think about it is the fundamentals are what's going to come up over and over again. Whether you're air dribbling or going for a ceiling shot or doing any aerial mechanic, you always have to recover after. So you might as well get things like recoveries down really good that you're going to have to use every time you go for an air dribble or an aerial. If you just focus on the fundamentals especially once again if you're below the grand champ, this is the best way to rank up in Rocket League 2023.


Step 3 - Focus On Your 1v1 Play

What is super underrated at the lower ranks is not 1v1 offense but 1v1 defense. The truth is at the lower ranks, you're going to be put in a lot of 1v1 situations on defense. Because you can literally get to grand champ not even off of good play-making offense but just based on good 1v1 defense. Things like shadow defense and backward saves being able to use your backboard and use the walls to save are something that for whatever reason people at the low ranks are so undertrained when it comes to this stuff. Everybody wants to train offense, nobody wants to train defense. So if you just focus on 1v1 defense, they just won't be able to score on you. 

How To Specifically Train 1v1? Go into free play and you can use the d-pad shortcut. If you drive towards your net on defense and use that d-pad shortcut, it'll shoot the ball at you and it'll allow you to practice backward saves over and over again. Think this is one of the fastest and best ways to improve your defense and literally make it almost impossible for a low-rank player to score against you.


Mistake 1 - Tilt Q’ing/Flaming

As tempting as it is to flame teammates or keep queuing once you're getting frustrated once you're getting tilted, it is so not worth it. Queuing when you're tilted will make you play so much worse. Because the truth is when you're tilted and you're not thinking smart, you're going to basically be just playing off of instinct. When you play off of instinct and when you don't think at all especially if you've been queueing a couple of games, that's when a lot of the bad habits start to come out. All of a sudden, you threw away all of your progress on the day just because you were tilt queuing and you didn't put the controller down. So seriously stop tilt queuing that's mistake number one mistake you should avoid when ranking up Rocket League.


Mistake 1 - Stop Playing When You're Tired

We all get those days where we're queuing on it's late at night and we're in game four-game five and you're slowly starting to fall off. For some people, they can cue like 10 games and still stay sharp but most people start to lose focus once queued 4 or 5 games. For you, if you want to rank up, figure out how many games you should actually play and that you can actually play before you get tired and just stop queuing once you're tired because you're just not playing your best. So if you could just stop playing when you're tired, you'll probably just win way more without having to change anything else.


Mistake 3 - Playing When Rusty

We all have those days where we get on Rocket League and for whatever reason, we're just feeling off like the mechs are slow, the recoveries are bad and we're just not on. For whatever reason even when that happens, we know that we shouldn't cue ranked and many of us just cue it anyways. When you're not feeling good before the game, you usually don't magically start feeling good after the game. You have to throw like one or two games just as warm-ups before you actually get started. 

So if you're somebody who does that and you just queue straight into rank. If you're rusty if you're coming back from a couple of days off, put 10-20 minutes into a warm-up, and then wait until you feel good before you queue ranked. If you do that you'll probably save one or two losses every single time you play ranked which over the long term will once again add up into a lot of ranking.


The best ways to rank up in Rocket League 2023 are to find teammates, focus on the basics, and focus on 1v1 play, especially 1v1 defense. Then avoid the three mistakes, stop tilt cueing or flaming your teammates, stop playing when you're tired or on autopilot, and don't play when you're rusty or not warmed up. If you fix those couple of things, you will instantly see an increase in your MMR. Buy Rocket League Credits from, we provide cheap and legit RL credits 24 hours.



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