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Classic TBC Shattered Sun Reputation Farm - WoW TBC Classic Phase 5 Guide

5/19/2022 4:27:40 PM

In World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade phase 5, a lot of new content will be introduced a new raid, dungeon but also a new faction. This new faction is the Shattered Sun. This TBC Classic Shattered Sun reputation guide talks about different things you can do in order to increase your reputation with this faction and hopefully also unlock either the new title or even some of the new amazing epic items that you'll be able to purchase when you reach exalted.


Classic TBC Shattered Sun Reputation Farm - WoW TBC Classic Phase 5 Guide

When you get to the Isle of Quel’Danas, you might not be able to pick up two million quest this is because all the quest is gated behind different faces. But there is one quest that you will definitely be able to pick up and that's a quest for the dungeon on the island. The quest is called Magisters’ Terrace and you will be able to pick it up from Exarch Larethor. There's a total of three quests for this dungeon and by completing all of them, you'll gain 750 reputations. Every single boss that you kill in the normal mode will grant you 120 reputations, on the heroic mode, it's going to be 250 reputations. In order to reach exalted, you'll need to get 42 000 reputations. If you clear this dungeon on normal mode, you'll get around 15 to 1600 reputations. On heroic mode, it's 2500. The reason why this is important to know is that in the early stages of WoW TBC Classic phase 5, you will not be able to do many daily quests. If you wish to unlock heroic mode, then you need to do normal mode once and also do the quest chain.


Best TBC Classic Reputation Farm

Highly recommend anyone to clear heroic mode every single day because the last boss has a chance to drop a wrapped head and even a rare mount. This amount you will also be able to use as an alliance. In heroic mode, all bosses also have a chance to drop an orb and this orb will transform you into a blood elf for 5 minutes. If you still plan to do quests to get your reputation with the Shattered Sun, then these are gated behind different phases. So at the beginning of this patch, you will only be able to pick up the quest at number one then two, three, and last but not least number four. We'll show you all the different quests and what you have to do in order to complete these.


WoW Classic Shattered Sun Reputation Phase 1 Quests

In this questing hub, you can pick up a total of three quests and two of these will be daily quests. You will have to kill a lot of these creatures in order to loot the mana remnants and you will need a total of four of these. The other quests you will be able to do at the same time and this quest gave you an item tuned crystal cores. Once you slay these targets, you will need to deploy them by using the crystal core and you need to do this to a total of five different targets. Once you have done this, but also collected the four mana remnants. Then you will go to one of these crystals, you will use the mana remnants on the crystal to complete the quest. Now you can head back to the questing hub and turn in both quests.


Non-Daily Quests

You'll be able to pick a non-daily quest but this quest is going to be important. Because it will tell you to go to another area where you'll be able to pick additional daily quests. What you will have to do in this quest is to go to this portal, you will simply have to use the quest item that you got when you picked up the quest. This quest item you use at the portal to get teleported to the hellfire peninsula. This is also where you hand in the quest and now you will be able to pick up two or the daily quests. Both of these quests are done in the same location.


The quest that is called blast the gateway will give you this quest item that allows you to summon a living flare. You will have to increase the size of the player and this is done by killing these elementals. Whenever you kill these, it will also start to grow and at the full stage, you will be able to blow up the gateway. Once the living flare turns green, you are now ready to drag this into the gateway to blow it up.


You also got yet another quest item and this is for the other quest. But in order to be able to use this, you will have to kill these targets. This has a chance to drop the demonic blood and you need to combine this together. The quest item allows you to weaken these targets and also complete the quest. In order to complete the quest, you need to weaken 4 different targets and kill them. Now you'll just have to hit back and hand in both quests.


Daily Quests

If you wish to get more daily quests, then you could always head to Shattered City. In Shattered City, you will be able to pick up a lot of different quests. In Shattered City close to the flight master, you'll be able to find Lord Torvos allowing you to pick up a daily quest for Netherstorm. In Netherstorm you head to the location where you will also have a chance to get the sunfury attack plans. The drop chance for this is however not that high, but it takes you probably around 10 to 20 kills.


Next to this bloodhoof, you will find Emissary Mordin which allows you to pick up a daily quest in case you have either leveled your mining, skinning, or herbalism. When you're mining, there's a chance that you will get one of these quest items. But it's not 100% chance. You will need to get a total of 8 so it might take you some time. When you're herding, there's around a 50% chance that you will get one of the quest items. But in some cases, you will not get anything besides the herb.


In Shattered City you can pick up a daily quest from this Harbinger Haronem. When you pick up this quest, you will also get a quest item that you need to equip. Now you just need to make your way to Nagrand and when you get to this location, you have to use the quest item near one of these objects. This you have to do on different objects until you complete the quest and then you head back to Shattered City.


The last quest that you pick up in Shattered City is from this Exarch Nasuun character. He will tell you to go to Blade Edge Mountains and in Blade Edge Mountains, you have to find these creatures. You need to kill them because they have a chance to drop a quest item. This you need to use in order to turn invisible or will to enter another dimension a world. Now that you are invisible, you will be able to find these crates where you loot the manusells and you need to collect a total of 10.


TBC Classic Shattered Sun Reputation Phase 2 Quests

In the second phase, there will be more quests to pick up in the Isle of Quel'Danas, head to Harbinger Inuuro where you will be able to pick up three additional quests. The first quest that you usually do is the one near the portal, here you will have to kill 6 of these demons and also the boss patrolling in the area. Once you have taken him down, you need to use the shattered sun banner. So kill six of these, use the shattered sun banner, add this one here and then you're ready to go on to the next quest.


Continue with another quest, you need to use the astromancer’s crystal near the portal. To complete this quest, you will need to use the astromancer’s crystal at three different locations on Isle of Quel'Danas. You need to use the quest item near the crystal, at this point you're now also ready to do the final part. Head to the shore with all the naggers and at this location, you use the crystal. Now you have completed this quest and you can head back to the city. But before you hand in the quest, you go near the Ayren Cloudbreaker, you will be able to complete the final quest that you have in your quest log.


When you accepted this, you also got a quest item that allows you to throw bombs in the dead scar and you need to hit a lot of different targets. There's a lot of activity on this island, by grouping up with other people, you will simply complete the quest a lot faster because you get credit whenever someone else in the party kills a target. If you do this by yourself, you will most likely end up flying two or three times before you complete the quest. At this point, you're also ready to hand in everything to get your reputation, and now you'll need to wait for phase 3 in case you would like to get more quests.


Classic TBC Shattered Sun Reputation Phase 3 Quests

In phase 3, there will be 4 quests available or will only 3 in the beginning, because you'll need to do a lot of stuff in order to unlock the last one. Two of these quests are picked up in the tower and the last one at Smith Hauthaa.


1. What you are going to do is go back to the flight master, one of the quests that you just picked up will tell you to bump the ships. You'll need to bump these three ships and when you've done this you'll need to do a bit of killing. On these boats, you'll need to slay 6 dawn blades and when you have done this, you can also fly back.


2. Now you're also ready to do the next task. Head to Dawnstar Village where you'll find a lot of different enemies. These you will have to slay in order to complete the quest. Once you have taken care of this, you're also ready to head to the shore with all the naggers. Here you will need to slay the male ones because they have a chance to drop a key. This key is needed for the chest and in the chest, you will be able to loot a quest item. You will need a total of 3 quest items and therefore also a total of three keys. Now you're also ready to hand in everything.


3. At Smith Hauthaa, you'll be able to pick up yet another quest. But the server will need to unlock the forge right next to it. When the forge has been unlocked, you will also be able to get this quest. This quest will tell you to head to Shadowmoon Valley and in Shadowmoon Valley, you will need to slay these orcs. These orcs have a chance to drop a quest item and you will need to collect a total of 5 of these.


4. Then you will have to head back to the Draenei where you picked up the quest. Now you'll need to forge these. So you just right-click each item near the forge and then you will be able to complete the quest.


WoW TBC Classic Shattered Sun Reputation Phase 4 Quests

In phase 4 you'll need to go to this building where you'll be able to pick up two quests. Outside this building, you'll also find a ship where you'll be able to pick up the last quest.


1. What you can do is head to the shore with all the naggers. This time around you'll need to slay the females and loot this quest item. You will be able to use the murlocs to free them and you'll need to free a total of 10 of these. You will only be able to use this orb once. So if you wish to get yet another one to three more murlocs, then you'll need to slay more nagas.


2. The second quest to do on the island is to pick up blood berries. You should be able to get these all over the island.


3. The last quest that you picked up will tell you to go to Terokkar Forest. In Terokkar Forest you'll need to slay the race of horns. Because these will drop an item that you'll need in order to complete the quest. This item will allow you to charm a ravager and then you'll be able to use its abilities. This you will have to do on these objects to complete the quest. When you have done this, you head back to the Isle of Quel’Danas to hand in all three quests.


Daily Quests

There is actually one more quest to do. Once your server has completed everything and you have unlocked everything, then you will be able to get a daily quest. This daily quest will tell you to provide 10 Classic TBC gold and then you will instantly be able to complete this. So every day you will be able to hand in 10 gold and get a bit of reputation.

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