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Path Of Exile: Ps4 Version Release In Late March / Exilecon Tickets Now Available

3/16/2019 12:28:23 AM
Tag: POE

ps4 players have been wanting to play the action rpg path of exile for a while, but shifts have kept the plans from happening. actually, the ps4 version should appear in december, then it was mid-march. now, in mid-march, there is finally an official date. in addition, the developers of ggg have opened ticket sales for the very first exilecon in new zealand.

path of exile ps4 version release in late march, exilecon

path of exile- ps4 version release in late march : exilecon tickets now available

originally, owners of a game 4 should experience the betrayal league of path of exile in december. but the release of the action rpg has been postponed due to the unexpectedly complex certification processes for porting to the sony console. now ps4 players have missed the entire betrayal league, but that's the end of it: on march 26, path of exile will also be released for the game 4, which makes ps4 players slightly late to enjoy the new synthesis league. learn more to follow later.

tickets for the first exilecon soon available

if you are looking for another reason to visit the beautiful new zealand with its picturesque landscape, which was already used during the shooting of the films in the lord-of-the-rings-cosmos, then we have something for you: the first in-house exhibition of the path-of-exile developers - the exilecon. click here for the official website of exilecon.

this will take place in november 2019 in new zealand, specifically auckland, the home of the grinding gear games studio. in this way, there can be many more local developers than at an event in a foreign city. visitors will have the opportunity to meet developers and like-minded fans at the show, but will also learn more about the december expansion of the game (scheduled patch 3.9.0). of course there are also merchandise, swag-bags, computers with demos of all announced contents.

exilecon should also reveal path of exile 4.0.0

but even more interesting is the fact that the developers there for the first time reveal the mega extension 4.0.0. this is basically supposed to overshadow everything that has hitherto existed. what exactly awaits the player is not yet revealed, but here and there are rumors and infos. so the mega-expansion should at one point be able to compete with diablo 4 (whose announcement is still missing) and will bring new character models for the exiled ones themselves, who can now view their age.

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