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Path Of Exile Build Guide - Ice Crash Elementalist Build In POE 3.19!

9/7/2022 11:41:48 AM
Tag: POE

Today to give you an overview of Poe builds, lots of Poe a few battlegrounds throughout that it is time for new battlegrounds patch and content, the full-on wrap-up, and an explanation of the builds, actually because they're pretty cool and so much lately for coming by and watching by the way just played these things, it's fresh in that sense and to give you some pretty cool stuff.

Path Of Exile Build Guide - Ice Crash Elementalist Build In POE 3.19!

Ice crash Elementalist

The character is an ice-crash Elementalist. It's a pretty simple ice crash, a lot of damage, it converts your physical damage to coal damage and the skill that does the conversion prioritizes, the conversion which means that because using the story of vol 50 of physical damage from hits with this weapon converted to a random element that doesn't do anything as long as, use ice crash because ice crash takes it all the cold and there's nothing left for gear or passives to get in the way.

Ice Crash 

Attack, AoE, Cold, Slam, Melee

Level: 20 (max) Ventory

Cost: 8 Mana 

Attack Speed: 70% Of Base

Attack Damage: 350% Of Base

Effectiveness Of Added Damage: 350%

Quality: +20%

Requires Level 70 98str, 68 Int

Slam The Ground, Damaging Enemies In An Area

Around The Impact In Three Stages Enemies Take

Slichtly Less Damage On The Second And Third Stage.

Works With Swords, Maces, Sceptres, Axes, Staves And Unarmed.

100% Of Physical Damage Converted To Cold Damage

Second Stage Deals 15% Less Damage

Third Stage Deals 30% Less Damage

20% Increased Damage

Ice crash just has a lot of base damage, but there is a redesigned unique that to build around, it is heat shiver and you gain, one per cent of coal damage as extra fire damage per 1 per cent chill effect on the enemy, the maximum chill baseline is 30 per cent and 100 of coal damage is extra fire damage against frozen enemies if freeze something, to take all of the coal damage and get an extra 130 per cent effectively doing 230 per cent of normal damage and a nice crash is already, a lot of normal damage and all this damage is base damage, so get some big ignites and with melee ignites, diet and dawn and all that, but the real tricky thing is doing enough damage story of the vol is the only weapon, you can use for this build, it comes off of Alva, this is a temple drop it comes from the crucible of flame which is the room that is a level three fire temple.

If you get a level three fire temple, you can open the chest, a one-in-three drop chance, this league opened up with this character playing wave of conviction ignite Elementalist, a pretty butchered version of the build, it might take too many respec orbs to play an optimized version of a wave of conviction Elementalist, so played something that didn't require too many respect points to go into this, but it still was like level 94 for the respect, however, find three of these swords total, so they are indeed not particularly rare, four heat shivers so far, those are not particularly rare two diets and dawns so far, these are a little bit rare and two pain seekers so pain,  seeker also has inflicted non-damaging ailments as though dealing 192 per cent more damage effectively, you pretend you do triple damage when you want to chill freeze and shock.


This weapon has very similar modifier hits with this weapon freeze as though dealing up to 200 again, so it's effective, it's times three and then times three again for freeze for shock and with this weapon, you do 60 up to 65 or 75, a very good roll, this one more ignite damage, so that's the idea the tricky part comes the freeze is all or nothing, if you do not freeze the target, you do not get that hundred per cent bonus and your damage is well, it's not bad, but it's not that good, this is the rough path of building,  just go over some of the issues before getting into gameplay, it is not a 25 million DPS build, don't be fooled by the big number in front of you, it is with everything considered, this is with current gear 6.4 million DPS.

The current version of the game with the arch nemesis monsters with stacking resistance and stacking buffs gets to a point where you are not coming even close to freezing rares forget essence rares, and it can get a little bit dicey, even though this build going in, thought would just freeze everything including the hardest bosses in the game.


Combatant is not a very good defense layer your attack block becomes capped at 50 and 25, if you actually have 75 attack blocks and have breast health combatant, you eventually have 50 blocks and 50 spell blocks and that's pretty good, it's pretty good in this build because you have to do all this weird stuff. 

Balance survivability and damage

Balance survivability and damage are if go to duelist and get versatile combatant and use a shield with 40 base block, now that can be quite a bit, but this is a pretty unique build, and showcase it for you, so going to put up blood rage.

So with ice crash, it's a slow attack, it's a big wind-up attack and the counterattack tech pushed, this build levelled, this build very quickly, though it is still a bit of a melee play style, it's hard to call that melee, but it is still the melee play style, so for some people, that's an advantage for other people that is a disadvantage overall, it was quite a blast to play this and this build has some serious potential in the future, it's a very unique heavy.

Elemental Weakness

So the way that you perform a perfect rotation is you can start with a wave of conviction, the wave of conviction is linked with hex touch and elemental weakness, you want to use elemental weakness because you want to lower the cold resist as well.  

Elemental Weakness

Spell AoE, Duration, Curse, Hex

Level: 20 (max)

Cost: 33 Mana

Cast Time: 0.50 Sec

Quality: +20%

Requires Level 70 155 Int

Curses All Targets In An Area, Lowering Their Elemental Resistances.

Base Duration Is 10.90 Seconds

Curse Gains 10 Doom Per Second If You Cast This Spell Yourself 

+10 To Radius

Cursed Enemies Have -44% To Elemental Resistances

You can have an easier time freezing or it's the only way you're going to freeze some targets, and you need a cold to fire, because you're scaling flat cold damage through hatred, through a herald of ice, through preferably coal damage on the flat rolls, like this one this flat roll the June flat roll, it applies to both spells and attacks.

By the way, you do need a cold fire, otherwise, your primary source of damage wave emission is not going to be fire for the exposure, and that can be a real problem in some cases, you might encounter arch nemesis rares that have enormous fire resist and no cold resist, it's not usually that big of a problem, but you have to know that wave of conviction, probably will not deep a fire, so your DPS is going to be impacted by this maybe not that much, because if they have a high fire,  but low cold well, they're just going to stand there frozen a lot of the time, and you are getting the frozen benefit.

A lot of the time in those cases, but if talking about like god touched crazy as hell, and it has fire, but the low cold that's when things really kind of go to and even though the mapping capabilities of this character have exceeded expectations, the bossing capabilities and more importantly, the fat essence monster capabilities have fallen a little bit short of expectations, so it was still a fun character and sincerely recommend you try if you're interested, so the rotation goes like this, you can open up with a wave, to open up with an ice crash, and an ice crash is even against most bosses, you typically donate elemental weakness to freeze them, and the ice crash itself freezing offers a large defensive bonus, so usually open up with an ice crash, then do a wave.

Another ice crash, the second ice crash will hopefully hit the target, while it's still frozen giving you the bonus from heat shiver, giving you the bonus from shaper of flames, it's called nailed it, and you're doing a fat ignite, and then you're gonna use flame surge, and flame surge takes the max to ignite damage and puts a burning ground of a quarter of that so it is a sizable DPS increase that accounts for 20 per cent of your DPS if you're doing it correctly, and you want an infernal cry, but inferno cries instantly, because the instant war cry through the call 2 arms to apply the covered in ash debuff, it's also pretty fun to use infernal cry because even though you struggle with this character against, like one really big mob.

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